About us

The South Saxon Spirits distillery, established in 2019, is Littlehampton’s first commercial distillery. Independently owned, we’re a team made up of two lifelong friends.

Working together over the past three years, we have soaked up the art of distilling spirits and made it a personal crusade to sample all spirits in their many forms! Our tastings ensure our spirits are perfect every time, and someone has to, right?


Although historical records are rather sketchy, South Saxony (Sussex) was a rather large Kingdom around the year 477. Legend has it that King Aelle and his three sons arrived in 3 ships at Pevensey and conquered what is now Sussex. He is credited with the foundation of the Kingdom of South Saxony; he was also the first King to be recognised as Overlord of all the English peoples south of the Humber and described as the first Bretwalda (ruler of Britain).

King Aelle was killed in a battle with the legendary King Arthur in 516AD and is reputed to be buried upon Highdown Hill just north of Ferring on the West Sussex coast.

Here at South Saxon Spirits, we’re ready to conquer again, bringing you authentic, rich tasting spirits that reflect our homeland.



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